Dr Ashish Mishra. Liver Transplant and Gastrosurgeon

Liver Transplant and Gastrosurgeon


This website was conceived and designed to help people in distress and focusses entirely on three key aspects of our lives: Health, Happiness and a Beautiful mind. Though the three aspects seem to be linked, we all lack one or the other through some strange phenomena we don’t understand.

Dr Ashish Mishra, the founder of this website, is a Liver Transplant surgeon and gastrosurgeon with keen interest in the functioning of our body and soul. He believes that for us to lead a productive life, the body, soul and the mind should work in perfect harmony.

While liver transplant, gastrosurgeries and complex surgeries of the biliary tract are his professional expertise, delving deep into areas such as yoga, meditation and astrology is his passion. He deals with all varieties of gastrointestinal cancers and cancers of the gallbladder, pancreas, bile duct and liver.

After being trained in liver transplant at some of the best Indian and American centers, he decided to dedicate his life to curing liver diseases, pancreas and biliary tract diseases in his hometown Lucknow. He focusses on a holistic approach believing that healing is not a doctor centric but a patient centric approach. The mindset of the patient and his family are the most important aspects of dealing with such complex health problems.
He has been awarded at various forums and is regularly invited as faculty at national and international conferences on topics ranging from liver transplant, gastrointestinal cancers and hepatobiliary cancers. While in USA, he was appointed “master Trainer” for organ recoveries to train American and Foreign graduates in organ recoveries. He has performed over 500+ Liver Transplants, thousands of gastrosurgeries and has dealt with complex problems of gallbladder, pancreas and bile duct at some of the highest volume centers around the world. He has worked at some of the most prestigious hospitals around the world including Sir Gangaram Hospital New Delhi, SGPGI Lucknow, KGMC Lucknow, Global Hospitals Hyderabad, Asian Institute of Gastroenterology Hyderabad and Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia USA. His fellowship degree in Liver, Kidney and Pancreas transplant is accredited by American Society of Tansplant Centers and was obtained after 2 years of training at University of Pennsylvania (IVY League University). He also served as Clinical tutor for upcoming surgeons and medical students before moving to India to set up liver transplant program at various institutions.

This website is dedicated to spread awareness about Liver Transplant, gastrointestinal cancers and complex problems of the biliary tract, Organ Donation and other philosophical aspects about mind and body.
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He can be reached via email on : livertransplantlucknow@gmail.com
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